Step 1 - Add the languages in Zendesk Guide admin
The languages you are planning to apply must be added via admin settings. Please ensure that these languages are identical to the ones in your Zendesk Support environment.
Step 2 - Enable multiple languages in the Premium Plus Theme
Our multi-themes support right-to-left layouts for free. This option is added to the theme settings panel.
Each ready-to-use Premium Plus theme includes native Zendesk elements as well as custom-built ones. When you need to display the theme in multiple languages, you need to enable "Translations" on the theme settings panel:
After this, you will see that some wordings will be translated immediately, while others will still need to be translated.
Step 3- Create dynamic content
Open the dynamic content section in your Admin center as shown below:
Add translations for each wording within the dynamic placeholder, for example, "How can we help ?"
Step 4 - Add the dynamic content to the P+ Theme
Copy the right content from the dynamic placeholder name.
Copy just the tail, not the entire placeholder!
Paste the information into the right field on the theme settings panel.
If you want to add URLs which are different to each language, create dynamic content for the URLs.
In case you experience issues with a Premium Plus Theme, please Contact us
Articles in this section
- How to improve the look of my articles?
- Change fonts in a theme
- How to modify a Premium Plus theme?
- The background image of my outgoing mails look weird?
- Dark mode colour themes
- How to align a theme with your brand style?
- What is the impact of using our Formatting tools?
- What is an Alert banner and how to create one.
- Applying multiple languages to a Premium Plus theme
- How to add an icon to your category or section