Changing assets (images) to your Premium Plus theme Changing assets (images) to your Premium Plus theme

Changing assets (images) to your Premium Plus theme

Simon Celen Simon Celen

If your theme had been adjusted by our development team who made images appear in your category, section, subsection, article or Community topic boxes, you need to follow a specific process to adjust them.

What you will need:

  • Guide admin access
  • New images to be added


Image specifications

The images that have been implemented via custom coding can have various sizes. It depends on the initial requirements. If you cannot find the right size for your images, you can contact us.



Go to your Help Center and  open the Guide admin section click on Guide admin:

Now click on the eye icon in the left hand toolbar:



You'll see is a list of all the installed Help Center themes on your account. The single theme at the top is the Live (published) theme. On this theme, click Customize:


Here you can change the theme settings but for now you should click on "Edit code" on the bottom right.


Now confirm you want to “Access code”



You are now in the theme editor where you can make technical changes. On the left side you see a folder called Assets. Open it to see all assets that are currently in your theme:


To replace an image, you need to first remove the previous one from the "Assets" folder and upload a new one. To remove the image file, just choose it, click on three dots -> "Delete asset"


To upload, click on "Add" to add a file, or simply drag and drop it into the assets folder.


Once the file has been uploaded, rename it the following way:
        For categories - add "cat-" prefix and the right category id number
        For sections - add "sec-" prefix and the right section id number
        For community topics - add "topic-" prefix and the right topic id number



Please learn more on how to adjust other images in your theme here.