Requirements and limitations for ChatGTP Suggested Reply Requirements and limitations for ChatGTP Suggested Reply

Requirements and limitations for ChatGTP Suggested Reply

Bernard Moriau Bernard Moriau

As far as the Zendesk license type is concerned, there are no restrictions. The App itself will suggest solutions or answers to the customers. These replies can be revised by agents before sending them out to the customer.

The created replies won't take the following into consideration

  • Internal comments
  • Side conversations
  • Closed tickets from the same user

ChatGPT will try to formulate an answer in the language in which the ticket has been documented (public comments). This might be different to the language settings of that user.


  • We use the OpenAI API, which is a generic model. The content is not tuned specifically to your environment.
  • That the reply you receive might include a greeting. If your agents have already a greeting filled out under their profile, you can best remove the second greeting added in the ChatGPT suggested reply before answering the customer.

Installing the App